March 21, 2010

It's been a long time.

I've really missed it. I'm kind of hoping it's like riding a bike and that I'll drop right back in to what I had before. Don't think it's going to be quite that easy though, I'm struggling with just these few sentences.

You know how exciting it is when you first start blogging? And it's going well and you get some comments and you soak up the love (and hate) like an orphaned puppy left in the rain? And then you think of how much fun it would be to let all your "in-real-life" friends and family in on the secret so they could see how witty you are?


Sooooooooo not a good idea.

Like every "good military wife" (please note, those air quotes I'm throwing at you are meant to express extreme disdain and sarcasm) I dutifully did the rounds and made a few friends out here. One stumbled across my blog by accident, the other I (rather stupidly) invited personally to read.

Not a good idea. I have been felt stifled for MONTHS because of my own stupidity. By letting people here in on my private life I have been unable to vent, have online emotional breakdowns, dissect my relationship with Radio and the girls and just flat out be me. I stopped blogging there when my life became a topic of playdate and coffee discussions, when my dead child would be brought up in public without my consent.

I'm just done with it.

Here's to a new start. Let's all cross our fingers it goes well.


Joy said...

OMG girl I thought you had just left us completely

Sorry about all the sucky stuff, hope to see you back regularly!

Cristin said...

it's about fucking time woman!

ok to add this blog to my blogroll?

Wife said...

Totally cool Crissy poo. I promise to grovel for days.

cheatymoon said...

That's who 'Wife' is... good to see you! xo